Hello, dear friends and language enthusiasts,
I am Miks, teacher of English from Jelgava region Šķibe primary
school. It is located ca. 20 km from my hometown Jelgava and some 65 km from
Riga, the capital of Latvia. We are a small school of about 200 students from grades
1 to 9, but we are very competetive, creative and fun. Although we are a very
small school, we are 125 years old, which makes us one of the oldest and
richest with traditions schools in the region.
We love sports, music, films, and we participate as much as
we can into social events by cleaning up our closest territoties, looking after
our school, helping others, etc.
Our soon-to-be seventh-graders Loreta, Janeks and Sabīne are
very energetic young learners, who understand the value of foreign language
knowledge. In the previous school year they even held their own news broadcast
and really showed the native reporters how it’s done.
Lelde and Amanda are two lovely, artistic girls, who love
dancing and singing, and even outside the class very often prefer to speak
English and address their English teachers only in English.
We are all very impatient to meet our new friends, and hope
to have the best summer experience!
We are still working on the English version though.
See you very, very soon,
Miks Kapsis, Šķibe primary school